If you don’t have a Microsoft account yet, click the “Create one!” hyperlink under the ‘Sign in’ option. Please use YOUR OWN email when you actually do this step. After that, click Next and fill in your Password. Once you click onto that ‘Sign in’ option, Outlook will require you to fill in your Microsoft account, which is often the email you used to register with Microsoft. Now look at the top right corner of Outlook webpage, you will see the option “Sign in”. Instead, you will have to go to its website Go to Unfortunately, you cannot set up your email signature directly from your Outlook app in your computer.

In this blog, we will show you how to set up your signature in Mircrosoft Outlook – one of the most convenient programs to compose, organize and manage your emails. Then, having a professional and visually delightful signature would be our advantage. Our boss looks at our email, our job recruiter looks at our email, our clients also look at our email. We write emails daily and we write many, while our audience varies. Writing emails have become an essential part in our lives.